who we are
matt abbott, director
Matt is the co-founder and co-director of Ping News, alongside Sam. He has worked in journalism for nearly 15 years as a reporter, feature writer, editor and passionate advocate of independent local news.
Having spent years supporting and building relationships with independent news providers, Matt now leads on strategic partnerships between big tech, governments and third parties to generate new revenue streams to help future-proof the industry.
Matt is immensely proud of the work that Ping News has done so far and the unique position it has within the independent news sector.
sam hearn, director
Sam is the co-founder and co-director of Ping News, alongside Matt. With over 22 years of experience running a digital agency and video production company in Bristol, UK, Sam brings a unique blend of creative and technical expertise to the team.
Having managed digital teams on large-scale software application projects, Sam always strives to create work that has a positive impact. Sam recognises the immense value and importance of a robust and sustainable independent press, and is proud that Ping News has become a critical player in driving new revenue streams to the independent news sector.